In these pages we will try to summarise the vastness and differentiation of the offer you can find in the region of Lugano. Consult this guide to get an overall idea and to derive useful hints and stimuli to make your stay unforgettable and full of emotions. Let yourself be surprised by a region that will take your breath away with its incredible panoramas, its unspoilt nature and its thousand forms. Explore its infinite sporting possibilities, as well as its cultural depth and breadth of offerings worthy of a big city and at the same time full of little gems waiting to be discovered. Whether sipping a coffee on the piazza or an aperitif on the lakeside, enjoying a delicious dinner in a starred restaurant or the comforting flavours of the grotto, the region of Lugano will lull you with its gastronomic tradition. In short, whether you are an adventurer or a sportsman, an intellectual or a gourmand, or, better still, if you don't want to be pigeonholed into forced and limited definitions, the region of Lugano is here, all year round, ready to follow the definition you want to give it. Because the region of Lugano is yours.